Selected Poems

Tanka x 5 (2009)

from Huge Blue (Leaf Press, 2009)

a dream is
just that:
berries of the mountain ash
the koi pond's melting ice

first appeared in Simply Haiku, 6:4

false spring—
the homeless man
one more time
through the bookstore doors

first appeared in Simply Haiku, 6:4

full moon
over thunderheads—
my arms
too small to measure
this endless prairie sky

first appeared in Simply Haiku, 6:4

becoming mulch
these leaning walls
of hay . . .
horse bones scattered
in summer grass

first appeared in Modern English Tanka, Iss. 11

one breath—
the tide rises,
carries the bull kelp
out to sea

first appeared in Modern English Tanka, Iss. 8