Patrick M. Pilarski is the co-editor of DailyHaiku, an international journal of contemporary English-language haiku, and poetry editor for its new sister publication DailyHaiga. His first full-length collection, Huge Blue, was released in 2009 by Leaf Press, and he is the author of two chapbooks, most recently Contemplating Vows, written with Nicole Pakan. Patrick's writing has appeared in journals and anthologies across North America, Europe, Australia, and Japan, and on CBC Radio One as part of the CBC Poetry Face-off. He has served as Vice President of the League of Canadian Poets, and is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Alberta. Read More →

Shameless Summer Promotions
24 June 2008

Five Weeks - Front CoverSpring has departed. Summer is here. And what goes better with prairie storms than your very own copy of Five Weeks? Copies now on sale in Edmonton at Audreys, Greenwood's Bookshoppe, Chapters on Whyte, and from anywhere else in the world via your favourite online bookseller.

Also, be sure to check out four pieces by the extremely talented Nicole Pakan in the current issue of filling Station (Issue 41), now on stands. And maybe pick up a copy of the Summer PRISM international while you are in the store. Just 'cause. Then pop over to Greenwood's Bookshoppe and grab all of the recent—and mind-blowingly beautiful—chapbook selections by Red Nettle Press, including The Fast Places by the inimitable Mike Gravel. Trust me, it's worth it.

Finally, a huge congratulations to Thomas Trofimuk. Maybe stop on by Sorbet Central to see what all the fuss is about.

Thus ends your latest dose of shameless Summer literary promotion.


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